Tuesday, 31 January 2012

What do you like to drink?

Anyone in this world drinks a cup of coffee or tea every day. We can see coffee or tea everywhere. And there are many kind of tea or coffee. But do you know about coffee or tea?
First, they have caffein. Usually coffee have more caffein. The cafein helps body awake. It makes people start good day in the morning. But some people have a side effect of caffein like over-stimulating or insomnia. If you are like the person, drink tea. Tea have little caffein, but it doesn't affect to your body seriously.
Second, they can prevent diebetes or heart disease. 3~4 cup of coffee or tea in one day help your body healther. It's not clear the reasons but many studies tell us about it. It doesn't matter coffee or tea.
But you have to consider calory. Black coffee have 5cal, the other coffe have 200~300 cal. Green tea and Black tea have under 10cal. So if you want to diet, choose coffee or tea go with you.
Finally, tea time and coffee time can make us relax. After busy day, you can finish your day with a cup of tea.


  1. Wow! That's good. I used to drink black coffee and tea. I will try to drink black coffee again.:)

  2. sometimes I start my day with a cup of coffee.. but for end it, I'm no sure about that! .. good topic!

  3. I like coffee more than tea

    nice topic

  4. Good information. Is there no side effect?
